Durango Compost Company

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How to Compost Using Worms


Homemade Container (Home Sweet Home)


Shallow wood or plastic box (No more than 12 inches high)

Screened holes for ventilation (Worms breathe too!)

Locate indoors at temperatures between 50-75 degrees (Garage, basement, kitchen)


Carbon-based Bedding (Also Serves as Energy Source)


Shredded newspaper, office paper and/or cardboard (1 inch strips to avoid compaction)

Fall leaves, composted cow manure and moldy straw also make a good bedding

Moisten bedding material (60% moisture feels like a wrung out sponge, not drippy)


Nitrogen-based Food (Nitrogen Supports Growth)


Food scraps, peelings and leftovers (Any food discards except animal products: meat, dairy, fish etc.)

Coffee grounds and tea leaves (Coffee filters and tea bags too!)

Houseplant trimmings

Grass clippings (In moderation.  These get very hot as they decompose)


Feeding and Watering


1 part bedding and 3 parts food (It’s important to maintain the right carbon to nitrogen ratio.)

If you use a lot of fruits and vegetables, soak up excess moisture with a whole newspaper

If dry, mist with de-chlorinated water (to avoid killing the beneficial microorganisms.) 


Harvesting the Castings


Castings are the end-product of the earthworms’ digestive process.  The castings are alive with beneficial soil organisms, some of which produce plant growth hormones and/or protect plants from diseases.  The nutrients in worm castings are immediately available to the plant on an as-needed basis.


Collect finished compost after 3 to 4 months

There are several methods for separating the castings from the worms and unfinished compost